These characters are going to keep you rooted to each page as you venture into the day of When the Games Froze.
Though we have come a long way in creating awareness of FGM, we still have a long way to go in educating women in the western world on this heinous practice.
“When the Games Froze” is a heart-wrenching story about everyday people who come together by fate.
Available in Kindle($4.99), Paperback($14.99), and Hardcover($28.99).
I began to write “When the Games Froze” in January 2003. I ended the work on the manuscript in early September 2013. I took a hiatus from the manuscript due to a series of incidents. As I reflected on the past ten years, I could not help but reminisce on my accomplishments, losses and celebrations.
Nana Nkuku, a travel agent from Accra, Ghana, Jean-Claude Girard, a flight attendant from Nice, France and Shirley Marshall, a cosmetologist from Atlanta, Georgia are three roommates who share a townhouse in a Washington, D.C. suburb. They all have one thing in common. Each has a future goal they hope will retire them from their conventional jobs.
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